Monday, February 24, 2014

Popular Flowers Used in Singapore Weddings

Flowers play an essential part in any type of wedding—from the simple civil nuptial to a beautiful church ceremony up to a grand (but intimate) sunset beach wedding.Flowers are the conveyors of the overall feel of the event. They provide the right accent to the beauty of the bride (and her bridesmaids). They are also the reason for entertainment—especially on the bouquet tossing part.

More often than not, a bride already have something in mind for her much-awaited wedding day. However, translating that vision into a reality might not be that easy. Your Singapore florist is not a psychic and he might not be able to pinpoint the exact thing that you want. In order to aid you in your upcoming discussing with your flower provider, here are some of the most popular wedding blooms that you might want to consider.
·         Rose
Of course, the ever popular rose. As seen on the image above, roses aren’t exclusive to the red spectrum. They come in a wide variety and color choices. Your florist might be able to come up with an assortment that would suit your theme.
·         Gerbera
This flower depicts innocence and purity and is a good choice as a focal flower. It also comes in a wide array of colors—so there should be no problem in syncing these beauties to your chosen motif.
·         Calla Lilies

How sexy could a flower get, right? When arranged in bunch, they will make for a perfect bridal bouquet. They are also perfect as accents to table centerpieces.
·         Lilies
Lilies are versatile and they can work well with other types of flowers of your choice. They can act as supporting beauties to your centerpiece’s main attraction bloom.
·         Peonies
Peonies are so dainty and is perfect for a garden wedding. They are native to the Asian region so there should no problem on its availablility.

These flowers are the most commonly used for weddings. For sure, your chosen Singapore florist will be able to give you more options for the flowers that you want in your big day.

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